Here are some of my friends.

William and Leonardo, they are my best friends from school, very important people in my life, my brothers. they are eighteen and nineteen years old. William loves to play soccer and we are fans of the Barcelona club. Leonardo loves going to the gym and practicing martial arts, they are both wonderful people.

Gustavo, I have known him for two years, he is eighteen years old and is very funny, cheerful and joking, he likes to play basketball, he lives in Atahualpa street, an excellent friend.


Solange, she is a very outgoing friend, good, kind and very funny, she is studying nursing and lives in Loreto street #107 entering by El Sombrero de Paja. she likes to play basketball.

These are some friends from the university, raizza, marcelo, alexander and lelys, they are fun, happy and responsible kids. in the short time that I know them, I can say that they are wonderful people.


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